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Custom Managers and Record Types

The OpenStack Odoo Client library supports defining new record types and adding managers for them to the Odoo client object, allowing for adding support for custom Odoo add-ons.


When defining custom record types and managers, it is highly recommended to enable postponed evaluation of annotations by adding the following future import to the top of your Python source files:

from __future__ import annotations

If this is not enabled, circular imports are not supported, and you may encounter issues with undefined type hint objects.


Odoo records are represented by record classes in the Odoo Client library.

Record classes are implementations (subclasses) of the RecordBase class, which the record manager uses to create immutable objects for the record model. The name of the record manager (as defined in the Python source file) should be passed as the generic type argument for RecordBase, as a string.

Record fields are defined as type hints on the record class. These type hints are parsed by the Odoo Client library, and field values from the API are automatically coerced to the correct types when referenced by applications.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""


Make sure not to forget passing the name of the record manager class as the generic type argument for RecordBase.

If this is not done there are no issues from a functional perspective, but type hinting for the _manager attribute will not work correctly when creating custom record methods.

Field Types

The following basic field types from Odoo are supported.


Corresponds to the Boolean field type in Odoo.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: bool
    """Description of the field."""


Corresponds to the Integer field type in Odoo.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: int
    """Description of the field."""


Corresponds to the Char or Text field types in Odoo.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""


Corresponds to the Float field type in Odoo.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: int
    """Description of the field."""


Corresponds to the Date field type in Odoo.

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import date

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: date
    """Description of the field."""


Corresponds to the DateTime field type in Odoo.

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: date
    """Description of the field."""


Corresponds to the Selection field type in Odoo.

Define all possible values for the field.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: Literal["value1", "value2", "value3"]
    """Description of the field.


    * ``value1`` - Value 1
    * ``value2`` - Value 2
    * ``value3`` - Value 3

Optional Fields

Any supported field type can be made optional. Two types of optional fields are supported, depending on what Odoo returns when a field is not set.


The most common case is that False is returned, in which case the type hint should be defined as shown below.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal, Union

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: Union[str, Literal[False]]
    """Description of the field."""


If the default value is None when a field is not set, the type hint should be defined as shown below instead.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: Optional[str]
    """Description of the field."""

Field Aliases

Aliases to other fields can be defined by adding the FieldAlias annotation to the field type hint. Aliases can be made for all supported field types, including model refs.

Field aliases are resolved internally to fetch the value for the target field. They can also be used instead of the target field name when defining record search filters and creating new records.

While not required, it is highly recommended that the target field also have a type hint defined for it on the model class. The type of the alias must match the type of the target field.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import FieldAlias, RecordBase
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

    field_alias: Annotated[str, FieldAlias("custom_field")]
    """Alias for ``custom_field``."""

Model Refs

Records in Odoo can reference other records to establish relationships between them, allowing for easier querying and management of multiple record types.

The Odoo Client library supports a higher level interface for managing these relationships using the ModelRef type hint annotation.

The ModelRef annotation takes two arguments: the name of the model ref field in Odoo, and the record class that implements the model in the Odoo Client library.

There are two types of model refs that can be expressed on record classes: singular records, and record lists.

Singular Record (Many2one)

Singular record model refs correspond to the Many2one relationship type in Odoo. With this relationship type, the model class references a single record.

Suppose that we want to add a model ref for a user_id field to our record class, which references the res.users model (which is implemented as the User record class).

There are three ways to reference fields of this type on the record class. All of these should all be defined on your record class.

The first is to expose the record's ID directly as an integer.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, User
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    user_id: Annotated[int, ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """ID for the user that owns this record."""

The second is to expose the target record's display name as a string.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, User
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    user_name: Annotated[str, ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """Name of the user that owns this record."""

The third and final one is to define the target record itself as a record object.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, User
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    user: Annotated[User, ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """The user that owns this record.

    This fetches the full record from Odoo once,
    and caches it for subsequent accesses.

The target record ID and display name are always available on the containing record object, with no query required to retrieve their values.

For performance reasons, the target record as an object is not fetched automatically. Instead, it is fetched from Odoo on demand when referenced for the first time (lazy loading). The resulting record object is then cached to ensure the same object is returned every time.

The final result should be the following fields defined on your record class.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, User
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    user_id: Annotated[int, ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """ID for the user that owns this record."""

    user_name: Annotated[str, ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """Name of the user that owns this record."""

    user: Annotated[User, ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """The user that owns this record.

    This fetches the full record from Odoo once,
    and caches it for subsequent accesses.

Similar to field aliases, any of these model ref fields can be used instead of the target field name when defining record search filters and creating new records. The record ID or the record object can be passed directly to those methods (the record display name is not guaranteed to be unique, and thus, not accepted).

Record references can be made optional by encasing the type hint with Optional. If the record reference is not set, None will be returned.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, User
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    user_id: Annotated[Optional[int], ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """ID for the user that owns this record."""

    user_name: Annotated[Optional[str], ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """Name of the user that owns this record."""

    user: Annotated[Optional[User], ModelRef("user_id", User)]
    """The user that owns this record.

    This fetches the full record from Odoo once,
    and caches it for subsequent accesses.

Recursive model refs are also supported using the Self type hint. In the below example, Self resolves to CustomRecord.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Self

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    record_id: Annotated[Optional[int], ModelRef("user_id", Self)]
    """ID for the record related to this one, if set.."""

    record_name: Annotated[Optional[str], ModelRef("user_id", Self)]
    """Name of the record related to this one, if set."""

    record: Annotated[Optional[Self], ModelRef("user_id", Self)]
    """The record related to this one, if set.

    This fetches the full record from Odoo once,
    and caches it for subsequent accesses.

Record Lists (One2many/Many2many)

Record list model refs correspond to the One2many and Many2Many relationship types in Odoo. With these relationship types, the model class references multiple records in a list structure.

Suppose that we want to add a model ref for a product_id list field to our record class, which references the product.product model (which is implemented as the Product record class).

There are two ways to reference fields of this type on the record class. All of these should all be defined on your record class.

The first is to expose the record IDs directly as a list of integers.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, Product
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    product_ids: Annotated[List[int], ModelRef("product_id", Product)]
    """The list of IDs for the products to use."""

The second and final one is to expose the records as a list of record objects.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, Product
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    products: Annotated[List[Product], ModelRef("product_id", Product)]
    """The list of products to use.

    This fetches the full records from Odoo once,
    and caches them for subsequent accesses.

The target record IDs are always available on the containing record object, with no query required to retrieve their values.

For performance reasons, the target record objects are not fetched automatically. Instead, they fetched from Odoo on demand when referenced for the first time (lazy loading). The resulting record objects are then cached to ensure the same objects are returned every time.

The final result should be the following fields defined on your record class.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, Product
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    product_ids: Annotated[List[int], ModelRef("product_id", Product)]
    """The list of IDs for the products to use."""

    products: Annotated[List[Product], ModelRef("product_id", Product)]
    """The list of products to use.

    This fetches the full records from Odoo once,
    and caches them for subsequent accesses.

Similar to field aliases, any of these model ref fields can be used instead of the target field name when defining record search filters and creating new records. The passed values (or lists of values) may consist of either record IDs, record objects, or any combination of the two.

Recursive list model refs are also supported using the Self type hint. In the below example, Self resolves to CustomRecord.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase
from typing_extensions import Annotated, Self

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    child_ids: Annotated[List[int], ModelRef("child_id", Self)]
    """The list of IDs for the child records."""

    children: Annotated[List[Self], ModelRef("child_id", Self)]
    """The list of child records.

    This fetches the full records from Odoo once,
    and caches them for subsequent accesses.

Circular Model Refs

Due to the way type hints are dereferenced by Python, two record classes that reference each other are difficult (but not impossible) to support.

Generally the following must be done for circular model refs to work:

  • Postponed evaluation of annotations is enabled using from __future__ import annotations
  • Imports of the referenced model classes must be defined after the model classes are defined in each source file

Below is an example of two record classes that correctly reference each other.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, RecordManagerBase
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class Parent(RecordBase["ParentManager"]):
    child_ids: Annotated[List[int], ModelRef("child_id", Child)]
    """The list of IDs for the children records."""

    children: Annotated[List[Parent], ModelRef("child_id", Child)]
    """The list of children records.

    This fetches the full records from Odoo once,
    and caches them for subsequent accesses.

class ParentManager(RecordManagerBase[Parent]):
    env_name = "custom.parent"
    record_class = Parent

from .child import Child  # noqa: E402
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional

from openstack_odooclient import ModelRef, RecordBase, RecordManagerBase
from typing_extensions import Annotated

class Child(RecordBase["ChildManager"]):
    parent_id: Annotated[Optional[int], ModelRef("parent_id", Parent)]
    """ID for the parent record, if it has one."""

    parent_name: Annotated[Optional[str], ModelRef("parent_id", Parent)]
    """Name of the parent record, if it has one."""

    parent: Annotated[Optional[Parent], ModelRef("parent_id", Parent)]
    """The parent record, if it has one.

    This fetches the full record from Odoo once,
    and caches it for subsequent accesses.

class Child(RecordManagerBase[Child]):
    env_name = "custom.child"
    record_class = child

from .parent import Parent  # noqa: E402

Odoo Version Compatibility

Major releases of Odoo may change the database models to introduce new functionality.

The way models usually change in a backwards-incompatible way is that fields are renamed so that they are referenced using another name, without providing an alias for the old one.

In the OpenStack Odoo Client library, this is handled by defining the _field_mapping attribute on the record class.

_field_mapping: dict[str | None, dict[str, str]]

The _field_mapping attribute is a nested dictionary structure used to define local-to-remote field name mappings.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

    custom_field_2: int
    """Description of the second field."""

    custom_field_3: float
    """Description of the third field."""

    _field_mapping = {
        # The Odoo version for which to generate the mapping.
        "13.0": {
            # Key is local field name. Value is the field name in Odoo 13.
            "custom_field": "old_custom_field",
        # Use None to provide a mapping to use for all Odoo versions.
        None: {
            "custom_field_2": "old_custom_field_2",
        # custom_field_3 is not defined here.
        # The field name will be used as-is on all Odoo versions.

Mappings can be added for specific Odoo versions, or by using None, mappings that apply to all Odoo versions can be defined.

When the Odoo Client library interfaces with Odoo, it will automatically find and use the correct field name to present based on the server version and the record class's field mapping.

Record Methods

Methods can be defined on record types to provide additional functionality.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

    def custom_field_is_defined(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.custom_field)

In addition to all of the Odoo fields defined on the record class, the following internal attributes are also available for use in object methods:

  • _client (Client) - The Odoo client object the record was created from
  • _manager (RecordManager) - The manager object the record was created from (correctly type hinted so methods can be called)
  • _records (MappingProxyType[str, Any]) - The raw record fields from OdooRPC
  • _fields (tuple[str, ...] | None) - The fields that were selected during the query (or None for all fields)
  • _odoo (odoorpc.ODOO) - The OdooRPC connection object
  • _env (odoorpc.env.Environment) - The OdooRPC environment object for the model


It is recommended to follow these guidelines when defining custom record methods:

  • Record objects are intended to be immutable. Custom methods should not change the internal state, or the fields, of the record object.
  • If you are releasing your custom record types in a publicly available library, do not rely on custom manager methods through the _manager attribute. If a depending package subclasses your custom record types, the manager for that record subclass will not have your custom manager methods defined on it.


Manager classes are used to provide query methods and other functionality necessary for managing record objects in the Odoo Client library.

Once you have defined your record class, a manager class must be created for implementing the query methods for the record class.

Creating a Manager Class

Manager classes are subclasses of the generic RecordManagerBase class, specifying the record class as the generic type argument, and defining the following class attributes:

  • env_name (str) - The name of the Odoo environment (database model) for the record class
  • record_class (Type[Record]) - The record class to use to create record objects (must be the same class as the one specified in the generic subclass definition)

The following optional class attributes are also available:

  • default_fields (tuple[str, ...] | None) - A set of fields to select by default in queries if a field list is not supplied (default is None to select all fields)

Below is a simple example of a custom record type and its manager class.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Union

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase, RecordManagerBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

class CustomRecordManager(RecordManagerBase[CustomRecord]):
    env_name = "custom.record"
    record_class = CustomRecord

Using a Manager Class

There are two ways of using manager classes. The first is to simply create a manager object, passing the Client object as the sole argument.

This will allow manager methods to be used by calling them on the manager object.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Union

from openstack_odooclient import Client, RecordBase, RecordManagerBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

class CustomRecordManager(RecordManagerBase[CustomRecord]):
    env_name = "custom.record"
    record_class = CustomRecord

odoo_client = Client(...)
custom_records = CustomRecordManager(odoo_client)

This will work perfectly fine, but the disadvantage of using this method is that the client and manager objects are managed as two separate variables.

To create a single object from which you can manage all of your custom types and managers, subclass the Client class, and add a type hint for your custom manager class.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Union

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase, RecordManagerBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

class CustomRecordManager(RecordManagerBase[CustomRecord]):
    env_name = "custom.record"
    record_class = CustomRecord

class CustomClient(Client):
    custom_records: CustomRecordManager

This adds the record manager to the client class, allowing you to reference it on client objects created from it.

>>> odoo_client = CustomClient(...)
>>> odoo_client.custom_records.get(1234)
CustomRecord(record={'id' 1234, 'custom_record': 'Hello, world!'}, fields=None)

Manager Methods

Methods can be defined on manager classes to provide additional functionality.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Union

from openstack_odooclient import RecordBase, RecordManagerBase

class CustomRecord(RecordBase["CustomRecordManager"]):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

class CustomRecordManager(RecordManagerBase[CustomRecord]):
    env_name = "custom.record"
    record_class = CustomRecord

    def search_by_custom_field(self, custom_field: str) -> List[Record]:
        return[("custom_field", "ilike", custom_field)])

    def perform_action(self, custom_record: Union[int, CustomRecord]) -> None:
                if isinstance(custom_record, CustomRecord)
                else custom_record

The following internal attributes are also available for use in methods:

  • env_name (str) - The name of the Odoo environment (database model) for the record class
  • record_class (Type[Record]) - The record class object
  • default_fields (tuple[str, ...] | None) - The default list of fields to fetch on queries (or None to fetch all)
  • _client (Client) - The Odoo client object the record manager uses
  • _odoo (odoorpc.ODOO) - The OdooRPC connection object
  • _env (odoorpc.env.Environment) - The OdooRPC environment object for the model

Extending Existing Record Types

The Odoo Client library provides limited support for extending the built-in record types.

It is possible to subclass built-in record types, and create custom record managers that manage this record class.

from __future__ import annotations

from openstack_odooclient import Client, RecordManagerBase, User, UserManager

class CustomUser(User):
    custom_field: str
    """Description of the field."""

class CustomUserManager(RecordManagerBase[CustomUser]):
    env_name = UserManager.env_name
    record_class = CustomUser

class CustomClient(Client):
    custom_users: CustomUserManager

Due to the Odoo Client library using type hints to determine what record classes to use, and the type hints being physically defined in code to allow type analysis tools such as Mypy and Pyright to properly evaluate the source, existing references on existing record classes cannot be automatically updated to use the custom versions.

However, it is possible to cast a record object of the base type into the custom type using the record class's from_record_obj class method.

>>> odoo_client = CustomClient(...)
>>> user = odoo_client.users.get(1234)
>>> user
User(record={'id': 1234, 'custom_field': 'Hello, world!', ...}, fields=None)
>>> custom_user = CustomUser.from_record_obj(user)
>>> custom_user
CustomUser(record={'id': 1234, 'custom_field': 'Hello, world!', ...}, fields=None)
>>> custom_user.custom_field
'Hello, world!'

This should cover the majority of use cases where custom add-ons add new functionality to existing models.