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OpenStack Projects

This page documents how to use the manager and record objects for projects.


Name Value
Odoo Modules OpenStack Integration
Odoo Model Name openstack.project
Manager projects
Record Type Project


The project manager is available as the projects attribute on the Odoo client object.

>>> from openstack_odooclient import Client as OdooClient
>>> odoo_client = OdooClient(
...     hostname="localhost",
...     port=8069,
...     protocol="jsonrpc",
...     database="odoodb",
...     user="test-user",
...     password="<password>",
... )
>>> odoo_client.projects.get(1234)
Project(record={'id': 1234, ...}, fields=None)

For more information on how to use managers, refer to Managers.

The following manager methods are also available, in addition to the standard methods.


    os_id: str,
    fields: Iterable[str] | None = None,
    order: str | None = None,
    as_id: bool = False,
    as_dict: bool = False,
    optional: bool = False,
) -> Project
    os_id: str,
    fields: Iterable[str] | None = None,
    order: str | None = None,
    as_id: bool = False,
    as_dict: bool = False,
    optional: bool = True,
) -> Project | None
    os_id: str,
    fields: Iterable[str] | None = None,
    order: str | None = None,
    as_id: bool = True,
    as_dict: bool = False,
    optional: bool = False,
) -> int
    os_id: str,
    fields: Iterable[str] | None = None,
    order: str | None = None,
    as_id: bool = True,
    as_dict: bool = False,
    optional: bool = True,
) -> int | None
    os_id: str,
    fields: Iterable[str] | None = None,
    order: str | None = None,
    as_id: bool = False,
    as_dict: bool = True,
    optional: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, Any]
    os_id: str,
    fields: Iterable[str] | None = None,
    order: str | None = None,
    as_id: bool = False,
    as_dict: bool = True,
    optional: bool = True,
) -> dict[str, Any] | None

Query a unique record by OpenStack project ID.

>>> from openstack_odooclient import Client as OdooClient
>>> odoo_client = OdooClient(
...     hostname="localhost",
...     port=8069,
...     protocol="jsonrpc",
...     database="odoodb",
...     user="test-user",
...     password="<password>",
... )
>>> odoo_client.projects.get_by_os_id("1a2b3c4d5e1a2b3c4d5e1a2b3c4d5e1a")
Project(record={'id': 1234, 'name': 'test-project', 'os_id': '1a2b3c4d5e1a2b3c4d5e1a2b3c4d5e1a', ...}, fields=None)

A number of parameters are available to configure the return type, and what happens when a result is not found.

By default all fields available on the record model will be selected, but this can be filtered using the fields parameter.

Use the as_id parameter to return the ID of the record, instead of the record object.

Use the as_dict parameter to return the record as a dict object, instead of a record object.

When optional is True, None is returned if a record with the given name does not exist, instead of raising an error.


Name Type Description Default
os_id str The OpenStack project ID to search for (required)
fields Iterable[str] | None Fields to select, defaults to None (select all) None
as_id bool Return a record ID False
as_dict bool Return the record as a dictionary False
optional bool Return None if not found False


Type Description
MultipleRecordsFoundError Multiple records with the same name were found
RecordNotFoundError Record with the given name not found (when optional is False)


Type Description
Project Project object (default)
int Project ID (when as_id is True)
dict[str, Any] Project dictionary (when as_dict is True)
None If a project with the given name was not found (when optional is True)


The project manager returns Project record objects.

To import the record class for type hinting purposes:

from openstack_odooclient import Project

The record class currently implements the following fields and methods.

For more information on attributes and methods common to all record types, see Record Attributes and Methods.


display_name: str

The automatically generated display name for the project.


enabled: bool

Whether or not the project is enabled in Odoo.


group_invoices: bool

Whether or not to group invoices together for this project.


name: str

OpenStack project name.


os_id: str

OpenStack project ID.


override_po_number: bool

Whether or not to override the PO number with the value set on this Project.


owner_id: int

The ID for the partner that owns this project.


owner_name: str

The name of the partner that owns this project.


owner: Partner

The partner that owns this project.

This fetches the full record from Odoo once, and caches it for subsequent accesses.


parent_id: int | None

The ID for the parent project, if this project is the child of another project.


parent_name: str | None

The name of the parent project, if this project is the child of another project.


parent: Project | None

The parent project, if this project is the child of another project.

This fetches the full record from Odoo once, and caches it for subsequent accesses.


payment_method: Literal["invoice", "credit_card"]

Payment method configured on the project.


  • invoice - Project is paid by invoice
  • credit_card - Project is paid by credit card


po_number: str | Literal[False]

The PO number set for this specific Project (if set).


project_contact_ids: list[int]

A list of IDs for the contacts for this project.


project_contacts: list[ProjectContact]

The contacts for this project.

This fetches the full records from Odoo once, and caches them for subsequent accesses.


project_credit_ids: list[int]

A list of IDs for the credits that apply to this project.


project_credits: list[Credit]

The credits that apply to this project.

This fetches the full records from Odoo once, and caches them for subsequent accesses.


project_grant_ids: list[int]

A list of IDs for the grants that apply to this project.


project_grants: list[Grant]

The grants that apply to this project.

This fetches the full records from Odoo once, and caches them for subsequent accesses.


stripe_card_id: str | Literal[False]

The card ID used for credit card payments on this project using Stripe, if the payment method is set to credit_card.

If a credit card has not been assigned to this project, this field will be set to False.


support_subscription_id: int | None

The ID for the support subscription for this project, if the project has one.


support_subscription_name: str | None

The name of the support subscription for this project, if the project has one.


support_subscription: SupportSubscription | None

The support subscription for this project, if the project has one.

This fetches the full record from Odoo once, and caches it for subsequent accesses.


term_discount_ids: list[int]

A list of IDs for the term discounts that apply to this project.


term_discounts: list[TermDiscount]

The term discounts that apply to this project.

This fetches the full records from Odoo once, and caches them for subsequent accesses.